Promote the participation of women in Industria Venture Capital

According to a study by the Women In Tech organization, only 7% of the money invested by Venture Capital funds is made by startups that have been founded by women and only 15% of startups that receive investment have a woman on their management team .

A worrying one, especially when it seeks to strengthen the Latin American entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, as well as the venture capital industry.

To change this panorama, entities such as the Chilean Venture Capital Association -ACVC- promote initiatives to promote the participation of female entrepreneurship in the ecosystem and in the Venture Capital industry. In this way, together with ChileGlobal Ventures and the support of Banco BCI, they brought together a group of 9 women, among which are investors, entrepreneurs and other protagonists of the ecosystem, at the AD_ Venture Women event.

Sofia Grez, Antonia Rojas, Evelyn Von Bischhoffshausen, Bernardita Araya, Beatriz Herrera, Magdalena Guzmán, María Francisca Escobar, Loreto Acevedo and María Laura Mendoza, shared their experiences and advice in the panels, which were moderated by the vice president of the ACVC, Francisco Guzmán, where they also addressed the challenges and initiatives so that more and more women are in the industry.

The event, which had a high number of participants, “gave an account of the importance of gender complementarity and the visualization of successful female cases, therefore from the ACVC we are happy with the result and above all, committed to supporting the massification of the enterprise women, together with our partners from ChileGlobal Ventures and Banco BCI ”, commented Magdalena Guzmán, executive director of the Chilean Venture Capital Association.

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